Plot 17, Land South East Of Church Road, Little Gaddesden, Herts HP4 1NZ
Application No. 20/01927/FUL
Replace existing damaged fencing/hedge with new wood/barbed wire fence. Relocate existing access gate to the field, Plot 17, Land South East Of Church Road, Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire HP4 1NZ.
As you will be aware, recently the Grade 3 arable land to the south-east of Church Road was subdivided and marketed as a series of 34 small plots in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (some of which are still being advertised for sale). Earlier this year we had occasion to write to the Council regarding an attempt to build a dwelling and garage on Plot 7 (20/00176/FUL). That application was subsequently withdrawn. Consequently CPRE Hertfordshire have concerns regarding this application for work to Plot 17.
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