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The Green Belt

lovely long view of undulating landscape, fields and trees in the Hertfordshire Green Belt
In the Green Belt looking north east from just outside Graveley Elizabeth Hamilton

The Green Belt is the countryside next door for 30 million people living in towns and cities across England. And for most of us in Hertfordshire, we’re fortunate to have the Green Belt right here on our doorstep.

Its role has never been more important while the threat of development has never been greater. Further encroachment risks decreasing the ability of the Green Belt to provide for nature, reduce the impacts of climate change and limit people’s access to green spaces.

Well over half of the land area in Hertfordshire is in the Green Belt and thus protected from inappropriate development. But there is immense pressure for building, and widespread proposals for damaging, large-scale development. In much of our campaign work we fight to uphold the protection of the Green Belt.