Climate change and energy

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our countryside. We need to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. But there’s good news: the countryside can provide many of the solutions.
CPRE is part of a national coalition calling for urgent action. We believe the UK should meet net zero emissions as soon as possible. A credible carbon reduction strategy needs to value the countryside and be aligned with a land use planning and transport strategy that emphasises regeneration, walkable neighbourhoods, low car dependency and traffic reduction.
The countryside has a valuable role as a carbon sequester. In line with this we advocate planting more trees, protecting and extending hedgerows, and taking better care of our soils. The countryside also has an incredibly important role in agriculture and food production – and the government has reaffirmed UK domestic food security as a strategic priority.
Renewable energy is an important part of the climate change solution, and we advocate for more solar energy generation on all suitable commercial, industrial and residential rooftops.