On Land at Dormers, Crouchfields, Chapmore End, Ware, Herts SG12 0NZ
Application No 3/20/0716/FUL
Erection of 1 new detached dwelling with a basement and 4 off-street car parking spaces on Land at Dormers, Crouchfields, Chapmore End, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 0NZ.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal for inappropriate residential development in the Green Belt contrary to the Green Belt policies in the National Planning Policy Framework and the East Herts District Plan.
In the Design and Access Statement the applicant claims that the proposal is limited infill within a village and hence complies with NPPF 145(e). Consequently no very special
circumstances are presented which outweigh the resulting harm to the Green Belt through inappropriateness and reduction of openness.
This site is not in a village. The nearest village, Chapmore End, is a kilometre away. Crouchfield is a residential enclave which was developed on a former school site and
industrial estate in the countryside. Even within that context, it is on the edge of the Crouchfield development, outside the original boundary of the estate.
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