Land Off Tring Road, Wilstone, Hertfordshire
Application No. 20/01754/MFA
Construction of 28 residential dwellings (including 50% affordable housing) with access off Tring Road, including parking and garaging, creation of public open space, landscaping, and all enabling and ancillary works on Land Off Tring Road, Wilstone, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal for residential development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt which is contrary to policies in the National Planning Policy Framework and The Dacorum Core Strategy, 2006 – 2031.
This proposal appears to be an extension of application 4/00024/19/MFA for 15 dwellings submitted by the same applicant, which has not yet been determined by the Council. That application was put forward as an entry level exception scheme under paragraph 71 of the NPPF. The provisions of para. 71 do not apply to this application.
Wilstone is defined in the Dacorum Core Strategy as a small village within the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt. These are described as “the least sustainable areas of the borough”. It is acknowledged that some development will be required within the countryside. “In order to ensure that rural communities continue to thrive there may be the need for specific rural sites for affordable housing …The location of these sites will be considered through the Site Allocations DPD.” The identification of local needs will be informed by village appraisals. This is not a site allocated through the DPD.
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