Land Off Ford Lane, Aston, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG2 7HG
Applications Nos. 3/20/0688/FUL, 3/20/0689/FUL, 3/20/0690/FUL and 3/20/0694/FUL
For the Erection of Polytunnels A, B and C and Erection of agricultural storage building with incorporated office and respite area, creation of new access and formation of hard standing and associated parking, siting of 2 no. water storage tanks on Land Off Ford Lane, Aston, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG2 7HG.
Whilst recognising that the uses proposed on this site constitute appropriate development under the Green Belt provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework and the East Herts District Plan, CPRE Hertfordshire have significant concerns regarding aspects of the applications. The proposed tree nursery is a use to be encouraged, but there are questions whether this is an appropriate site. It would be much preferred to see the business establish at an existing farm site with established security and water sources that do not impact on a threatened local chalk stream.
CPRE Herts note that the site is one of a number of lots recently advertised with potential for residential development subject to planning. The viability of a wholly new industry may be a legitimate question if there could be subsequent pressures for residential occupancy at the site for business reasons. There must always be a question as to whether applications like this, in isolated open countryside, factor in the potential for highly valuable associated residential use, which would be contrary to NPPF para 79 but for the business.
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