Land East of Tring, ‘Marshcroft’
Application no. 22/01187/MOA
This is a hybrid application (with access details of two main access points from Bulbourne Road and Station Road in Full and the main development on the rest of the site in Outline with all matters reserved) for the demolition of all existing buildings on the site and the development of up to 1,400 dwellings (including up to 140 Use Class C2 dwellings); a new local centre and sports/community hub; primary school; secondary school; and public open spaces including creation of a suitable alternative natural green space.
In our view the character of Tring as a historic small market town will be jeopardised by this huge proposal with attendant problems of air quality, traffic generation and impact on social and community services.
We urge the Council to refuse this application on the basis of it being inappropriate development in the Green Belt and affecting the setting of the AONB.
Land east of Tring, 'Marshcroft'
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