Land east of Tring, ‘Marshcroft’ – appeal Inquiry
Planning Inspectorate appeal reference APP/A1910/W/22/3309923
- Dacorum Borough planning application number 22/01187/MOA
Proposed development in the Green Belt and in the setting of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, up to 1,400 dwellings, various community facilities and a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG).
Following the Council’s refusal of permission, the applicant appealed the decision. The Planning Inspectorate conducted an Inquiry at which CPRE Hertfordshire participated as a Rule 6 Party together with Grove Fields Residents Association and the Chiltern Society. The appeal has been recovered by the Secretary of State and we await a decision.
Download our Rule 6 Party Opening and Closing Statements at right. You can also read our original objection to the planning application.
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Our Opening Statement
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Our Closing Statement
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