Land East Of Stevenage (EOS1) Gresley Way Stevenage
Application Ref 3/19/0118/OUT
Hybrid planning application: Outline planning comprising: (i) Planning permission for construction of the spine road, site accesses, drainage infrastructure and ancillary works and (ii) Outline planning for the erection of up to 618 homes, primary and pre-school, up to 1 no. 80 bed care home and up to 50 assisted living homes (C2 use), neighbourhood hub comprising shops (up to 658 sqm of A1-A5 uses), community facilities (up to 400 sqm of D1 use), Travelling Showpeople site, public open space, landscaping, drainage infrastructure, all associated and ancillary development. Detailed planning permission for construction of the spine road, site accesses, drainage infrastructure and ancillary works on Land East Of Stevenage (EOS1) Gresley Way Stevenage.
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