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Land between 17 and 18 Gustard Wood, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire

Application No. 5/2019/1579

One three-bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping on Land between 17 and 18 Gustard Wood, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire.

CPRE Hertfordshire continue to object to this proposal for inappropriate residential development in the Green Belt.

This is the seventh application for residential development on this site. (Nos.5/2012/1214, 5/2012/2913, 5/2013/2518, 5/2015/ 0582, 5/2016/1329 and 5/2017/1559.) With the
exception of 5/2012/1214 which was withdrawn, these have been refused by the Council and dismissed on appeal.

The current application reduces the size of the proposed dwelling, but the principles underlining those dismissals remain.