Land at Nettleden Road, Potten End, Berkhamsted (SANG)
Application no. 24/01239/MOA
Planning application for change of use from agricultural land to Suitable Accessible Natural Green Space (SANG), together with vehicular access, car park, paths, fencing and landscaping
CPRE Hertfordshire believes a more coordinated and comprehensive review of SANG provision is required to fulfil the objectives of the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Mitigation Strategy. We are concerned that the Mitigation Strategy achieves the objectives of reducing the detrimental impacts of over-use at the Ashridge Estate, and is not seen simply as a means of developers discharging planning obligations for proposed developments without considering the full range of impacts on the locations selected. This is particularly important given the protection afforded by Green Belt, Rural Area and National Landscape (AONB) designations at this location. We are also concerned about the harmful impact on wildlife (including four ground-nesting bird species protected by Section 41) and on the River Gade chalk stream.
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Land at Nettleden Road, Potten End - proposed SANG
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