Land at Mentley Lane, Puckeridge
Application no. 3/24/1940/FUL
A partially retrospective planning application for the material change of use of land to a caravan site for 6 Gypsy and Traveller pitches (each containing a mobile home, touring caravan and a day room caravan) associated access, hardstanding, landscaping, waste water treatment plants and boundary fencing.
This significant proposed development lies well outside the settlement boundary of Puckeridge and constitutes a significant encroachment onto open countryside with impacts on the rural character of the area. The site lies within the area specified as Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt as designated by Policy GBR2 in the adopted East Herts District Plan. We are concerned at the magnitude of the development and the potential harm to the countryside in this location, and urge the Council to refuse permission.
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Land at Mentley Lane, Puckeridge
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