Foxholes Farm, Burnham Green Road, Burnham Green, Welwyn, Hertfordshire
Application No 3/20/1726/FUL
Erection of storage barn for equestrian storage of feed and machinery at Foxholes Farm, Burnham Green Road, Burnham Green, Welwyn, Hertfordshire.
CPRE have concerns regarding this application for equestrian buildings which under the NPPF amount to inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
The applicant rightly states in the Planning, Design and Access Statement that equestrian use falls within the exceptions outlined in paragraph 145(b) of the National Planning Policy Framework and hence is not inappropriate development in the Green Belt. Similarly, it is covered by Policy CFLR6 of the Local Plan. However NPPF 145(b) requires the facilities to preserve the openness of the Green Belt and Policy CFLR6 that the proposal is sited or landscaped to minimise visual intrusion.
It is the applicant’s opinion that as the building will be located on the lowest point of the site it will meet those criteria. We do not agree. This is not a small structure. It will sit at one end of an open field at some distance from the existing farm and the location is clearly visible from a number of points along Burnham Green Road from the entrance to Foxholes Farm along to Thrift Cottage.
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