Dacorum Local Plan consultation – our final submittal, Dec 2023
We have now submitted our final response to the Dacorum Borough Council’s consultation survey on their ‘Revised Strategy for Growth’.
While we appreciate the changes made from the previous Local Plan consultation with regard to an overall reduction in housing growth throughout the Borough area, we continue to have significant concerns with the emerging Local Plan. Our concerns include
- Very considerable amounts of Green Belt land, circa 466 hectares, are still proposed for the allocation of development
- Continued very high levels of growth
- Continued use of the Standard Method and out-of-date population and household projections
- Insufficient consideration of brownfield redevelopment opportunities
- Continued impacts on market towns and villages
- The ‘Hemel Garden Communities’ programme
- General impact on the Green Belt and the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
- Affordable housing
- Continuing lack of concern for additional environmental issues
- The AONB, the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation, and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANGs)
- Water supply constraints and chalk streams
- Waste water issues
- Local sites for SANGs
Download our submittal at right to read more. You might also wish to refer to our earlier site analysis showing the impact on each community.
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Dacorum Local Plan consultation Dec 2023 our final submittal
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