The Colt, Redricks Lane, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire CM21 0RL
Application No 3/20/0780/FUL
Demolition of bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings, access and associated works at The Colt, Redricks Lane, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire CM21 0RL.
CPRE have concerns regarding this proposal for residential development in the Green Belt.
The applicant, rightly, considers that the site is a limited infill site under the terms of paragraph 145(e) of the National Planning Policy Framework. However the application raises issues which the Council should consider before determining the application.
Apart from commenting on its state of repair, the documentation accompanying the application gives no details regarding the bungalow which the two 4-bed dwellings will be
replacing. It would appear from the block plans that the combined footprints of the proposed houses is greater than that of the existing bungalow and outbuilding. The bungalow is single storey and the replacements are two storey. Consequently, both in terms of footprint and volume the replacements will have a significantly greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
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