Land To The South Of Hadham Road Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire
Application No 3/20/0423/REM
Application for reserved matters in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 163 one, two, three and four bedroom houses and apartments plus associated
infrastructure and public open space, granted outline planning permission under ref:3/14/2144/OP. Land To The South Of Hadham Road Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire note that this is an allocated infill site within the built up area and outline permission has already been granted. The principle of development is not at issue. However, with respect to overall design standards and design quality it provides an example of some wider concerns.
We refer to the results of the recent National Housing Audit (see attached article) Jan 2020. A copy of the full audit is available to view here.
The government’s own National Design Guide and the commissioned Living With Beauty report both demand improvement, the latter noting that the commercial volume
housebuilder has a fixed set of solutions to deploy as architects do not usually write their pattern books.
In reviewing the Hadham Road scheme it would seem that there has been no provision for:
Local Design Coding
Design Review
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