Land opposite No. 9 Rollswood Road Welwyn AL6 9TX 22
Application No. 6/2020/0419/FULL
- Erection of 1x dwelling On Land opposite No. 9 Rollswood Road Welwyn AL6 9TX 22
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal for inappropriate development in the Green Belt, which is contrary to policies in the National Planning Policy Framework, the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan and the Submission Local Plan which is currently subject to Examination in Public.
Granting of planning permission would require revising the Green Belt boundary. The NPPF is clear that Green Belt boundaries should be altered through the Local Plan process and not by ad-hoc planning permissions and to do so now would pre-empt the findings of the Examination.
This site sits entirely within the Green Belt and forms part of woodland on the northwest side of Rollswood Road. The Green Belt review undertaken by the Council in preparation for the Examination determined that the parcel in which this site is located contributed to Green Belt purposes.
Rollswood Road, land opp no. 9
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