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Land opposite 23 Tatlers Lane Aston End Hertfordshire SG2 7HL

Application No 3/20/0278/FUL

Erection of a single self-build bungalow and basement, with associated landscaping and creation of 2 off street car parking spaces on Land opposite 23 Tatlers Lane Aston End Hertfordshire SG2 7HL.

CPRE object to this proposal for self-build residential development in the Green Belt. As stated in the Planning Statement, this is a resubmission of application 3/18/2107/FUL, which was refused by the Council.

In the intervening period the Applicant has noted a recent appeal decision regarding self build and, rightly, now draws the Council’s attention to Section 2A of The Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015, for the Council to “give suitable development permission in respect of enough serviced plots of land to meet the demand for self-build and custom housebuilding in the authority’s area.” The Council will have to take this into account when determining the planning balance, but it is not the only criterion affecting this application.