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Application No. 5/2019/2487

Outline application (access only) – Construction of up to 30 dwellings with garages and associated parking, landscaping and access works (resubmission following refusal of
5/2018/0509) Land Off Orchard Drive Park Street Hertfordshire

CPRE Hertfordshire continue to object to this proposal for inappropriate residential development in the Green Belt.

Contrary to the assertion in the Planning Statement accompanying the application, there have been no significant changes, either in legislation or the nature of this application since the previous application which the Council rejected in 2018. In terms of layout there have been minor modifications to avoid infringement of the TPO woodland, but this does not affect the overall impact of the proposal. The applicant acknowledges that the proposal represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt, but again puts forward the same ‘very special circumstances’ to offset the resulting harm, as they did previously, despite these having been rejected by the Council.

Added 13 November 2019
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