Land North of Highover Farm to Stotfold Road, Highover Way, Hitchin, Herts
Application No. 18/01154/OP
Outline application with all matters reserved other than access, comprising residential led development of up to 700 dwellings of use class C3 (dwellings), approximately 500 sqm of neighbourhood-level facilities (use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), a new 2FE primary school, open space, play space, green infrastructure, and associated accesses (vehicular, pedestrian and cycle), including a new primary access off Stotfold Road with limited access off High Dane (as amended by plans and documents received 6th January 2020) on land North Of Highover Farm To Stotfold Road, Highover Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire.
Having considered the amendments to the submitted drawings and Planning Statement for the above application, CPRE Hertfordshire continues to object to the inappropriate
development of this site in the Green Belt.
Our reasons for objecting were included in our letter dated 1st August 2018.
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