Land at Twyford Bury Lane, Twyford Bury, Bishops Stortford , CM22 7QA
Application No 3/20/1374/FUL
Proposed removal of stables and change in land levels to allow for the erection of 1 dwelling submerged into ground with associated access, parking and landscaping works to include the creation of water features and landscaped terrace on Land At Twyford Bury Lane, Twyford Bury, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7QA.
CPRE object to this proposal for residential development in the Green Belt, which is contrary to East Herts District Plan policies and the National Planning Policy Framework.
We have considerable concerns regarding the documentation. Both the Design and Access Statement and the Planning Statement are heavily redacted. In the case of the Planning
Statement paragraphs 7.32, 7.33, 7.34, 7.36, 7.37,7.38, 7.39, 7.40, 7.41, 7.42, 7.43 and 7,44 have been blacked out in their entirety. These are the Very Special Circumstances put forward by the applicant intended to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt through inappropriateness and harm to openness. Paragraphs 7.53, 7.54 and 7.70 are also totally removed. These outline the applicant’s determination of the Planning Balance. Para. 8.2, the Planning Statement Conclusion, is similarly removed. In addition paras 7.35; 7.46; 7.48 and 8.1 have been redacted to remove information material to the determining of the application. This makes it impossible for anyone responding to this application to consider the validity of the applicant’s arguments and effectively undermines the democratic process.
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