Land at Gannock Thatch, Gannock Road, Sandon
Application No. 19/02965/FP
Erection of stables, hay store, tack room and horse box garage on land at Gannock Thatch, Gannock Road, Sandon.
CPRE Hertfordshire has concerns regarding this proposal for equine development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt.
The proposal is for the erection of facilities for private equine use. Under Section 336 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, horses kept for recreation, sport and business are not classed as an agricultural activity.
Saved Policy 6(i) of the current North Herts Local Plan states that development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt will normally only be allowed if it is strictly necessary for the needs of agriculture. This proposal does not meet that criterion. However Policy CGB1 of the Submission Local Plan, currently under Examination in Public, and to which the Council can give weight, permits the development of land or facilities for outdoor recreation that respects the generally open nature of the rural area. This introduces an ambiguity. It is a moot point whether or not the proposed use of stabling in this context constitutes outdoor recreation.
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