Land at and west of Longview and 49 London Road, Shenley
Application no. 23/1795/OUT
Hybrid planning application comprising 1) Outline consent for up to 103 age restricted dwellings (over 55 yrs) (Use Class C3) along with a community centre, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal road, landscaping, drainage and other associated works and infrastructure (All matters reserved except access and layout) and 2) Full consent for the demolition of the existing dwelling Longview and alterations to 49 London Road to include the demolition of the existing garage and erection of a replacement garage
(Resubmission of application 23/0677/OUT)
This is a resubmission of an application to which CPRE Hertfordshire strongly objected, the principal change being the reduction in units from 138 to 103, incorporation of formerly separate community facilities and relatively minor changes to layout and landscaping. We maintain our strong objection and urge the Council to refuse permission for this wholly inappropriate and speculative application.
Download our full comments at right, along with our comments on the earlier application.
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Land at and west of Longview and 49 London Road, Shenley
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Earlier comments - Land at and west of Longview and 49 London Road, Shenley
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