Land Adjacent To South Lodge, Fanhams Hall Road, Ware, SG12 7PX
Application No 3/20/0345/FUL
Erection of two detached residential dwellings and creation of 6 off-street car parking spaces on Land Adjacent To South Lodge, Fanhams Hall Road, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 7PX
CPRE have concerns regarding this proposal within the WARE2 -(Land North and East of Ware) designated development area in the East Herts District Plan.
To facilitate WARE2, the Council redrew the Green Belt boundary, removing South Lodge and its curtilage from the Green Belt and locating it within the new development area. This is acknowledged by the applicant in the Planning Statement, where they comment that as the site is now within WARE2 their proposal cannot be considered as inappropriate development. However, they do not appear to have fully understood the implications of Policy WARE2.
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