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Application No. 6/2020/0658/FULL

Erection of a subterranean dwelling with associated parking and driveway
On Land adjacent to 5 Oakwell Drive, Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4EZ

CPRE Hertfordshire wish to comment on this unorthodox application to build a 2-bed
underground residential development in the Green Belt in place of an, as yet, unbuilt
swimming pool.
In 2019 the applicant received approval, on appeal, for the demolition of an existing
outbuilding and the erection of a pool house. In effect that was approval to replace one
outbuilding within the curtilage of 5 Oakwell Drive with another. This application is not the
same, it is for the construction of a dwelling house in its own curtilage.
In the Planning Statement (para. 1.2) the applicant states that their circumstances have
changed and they now wish to downsize into a smaller property and that the extant
permission for the pool house “would be better utilised to provide a highly sustainable and
innovative eco two-bedroom dwelling.”
In considering the planning balance which would apply, the applicant is of the view that
significant weight can be attributed to the proposal comprising appropriate development as
limited infilling that would not cause any greater harm to the Green Belt than the extant
permission for the pool building, significant weight can be attributed to the fact that the
proposal would comprise a highly sustainable development and there will employment and
economic benefits for suppliers and builders during the construction process and spin off
returns for nearby shops and services due to the spending of future occupiers. (paras. 7.1 and 7.3).