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Fairholme Stables, Archers Green Lane, Tewin, Welwyn, Herts AL6 0JF

Application No 3/20/0810/FUL

Demolition of buildings and redevelopment of site to erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking, access and landscaping at Fairholme Stables, Archers Green Lane, Tewin, Welwyn, Hertfordshire AL6 0JF.

CPRE Hertfordshire object to this latest application for inappropriate residential development on this site in the Green Belt, contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and the East Herts District Plan.

Both Application 3/18/2212/FUL (for 7 dwellings) and Application 3/18/2211/FUL (for 5 dwellings) were refused by the Council and dismissed on appeal. The principles applied in
both those cases similarly apply here and we do not agree with the applicant’s statement that “The balance of considerations in this case is markedly different to that assessed under the previous appeal proposals.” (Planning Statement para. 3.11).