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Darnicle Hill Nursery, Darnicle Hill, Cheshunt, EN7 5TB

Application: 07/20/1171/O
Darnicle Hill Nursery, Darnicle Hill, Cheshunt, EN7 5TB
Demolition of existing buildings and provision of 29 residential custom-build plots, with
associated roads, landscaping and boundary fences. This application is one of a number of similar applications for former nursery and horticultural establishments which are being promoted for housing use in this area. Darnicle Hill Nursery is subject to the protections afforded by the Green Belt in the relevant planning legislation. The proposed layout constitutes a gross intrusion into the Green Belt with an excessive number of housing units providing a major extension of the built-up area in contravention of both local and national policy.

Darnicle Hill Nursery Darnicle Hill Cheshunt CPREHerts 2021 02 03

Added 3 February 2021
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