Ashfield Nursery, Newgatestreet Road, Goffs Oak EN7 5RY
Application: 07/21/0029
Ashfield Nursery, Newgatestreet Road, Goffs Oak, EN7 5RY
Outline application with all matters reserved for custom-build development
consisting of 8 house plots.
Residential development on this horticultural site in the Green Belt is contrary to the
relevant policies inthe National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the adopted
Broxbourne Local Plan. At present this portion of the Green Belt acts as a buffer
between the northern development of Goff’s Oak which ends at Chiltern Close and the
southern edge of development along Hammondstreet Road. Development on this site
would create a visual intrusion and lead to pressure for further development of the
fields and substantial gardens on each side and the merging of settlements.
Also the site is not included as a potential residential site in the adopted Broxbourne Local
Ashfield Nursery Newgatestreet Road Goffs Oak CPREHerts 2021 01 29
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