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Application No. 20/00891/FP

Erection of five dwelling houses in association with a new access spur from the Lodge Court, on-site parking, landscaping (inclusive of new trees), formation of a pedestrian footpath and designated communal open space. On Land at Turnpike Lane And Adjacent To 4 Manor Close, Turnpike Lane, Ickleford, Hertfordshire.

CPRE Hertfordshire continue to object to this proposal for inappropriate residential development in the Green Belt outside the settlement boundary of Ickleford contrary to the
policies in both the National Planning Policy Framework and the current North Herts Local Plan No.2 .

As inappropriate development, there is a requirement for the applicant to present a case sufficient to outweigh the harm by reason of inappropriateness, and other harm, to the Green Belt. Because the Council has proposed to adjust the settlement boundary to remove the site from the Green Belt in the Submission Local Plan (which is currently subject to Examination in Public), the applicant presents no further justification for the development.