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Trees, London Road, Langley, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 7PQ

Application No 19/00346/OP

Outline application for residential development comprising of five dwellings including access and amenities following demolition of existing dwelling (all matters reserved except means of access) at Trees, London Road, Langley, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 7PQ

CPRE Hertfordshire have concerns regarding this proposal for residential development in the Green Belt.

We appreciate the applicant’s view that as the site is surrounded by commercial enterprises it should be considered as brownfield. However, this is the result of
historical decisions on the surrounding land and does not remove the Green Belt designation of the current site.

Under the saved Green Belt policies in the current North Hertfordshire District Local Plan No.2, this proposed development would be inappropriate and hence the applicant
would be required to demonstrate very special circumstances sufficient to outweigh the resulting harm to the Green Belt. The applicant presents no very special circumstances.