The Oaks Factory, Rear Of Ginns Road, Stocking Pelham, Buntingford Hertfordshire SG9 0JD
Application No. 3/19/2281 /FUL
Demolition of commercial unit (B8 Use) and other outbuildings and erection of nine dwelling houses, creation of 23 parking spaces and associated external works at The Oaks Factory, Rear Of Ginns Road, Stocking Pelham, Buntingford Hertfordshire SG9 0JD.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this modified resubmission of Application 3/19/0659/FUL which was refused by the Council in May 2019. (That, in turn, followed the refusals of
applications 3/18/0890; 0891; 0892 and 0893/ARPN which collectively sought permission for 10 dwellings.)
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