Skegsbury House Skegsbury Lane Kimpton Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8EX
Application No. 20/00157/FP
Continued use of land for equestrian, agricultural and domestic usage and retention of goat shed, tractor barn and extension to stables, hard landscaping and fencing. Proposed alteration to domestic driveway and installation of lighting to manege. Skegsbury House Skegsbury Lane Kimpton Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8EX
While we have no objection in principle to the continuing use of this site for the purposes described above, we do have concerns regarding the installation of lighting to the manege.
Skegsbury House and the associated manege sit in open countryside. Consequently the light from the manege would be visible from Kimpton Bottom, Kimpton Grange, and Kimpton Road as well as Skegsbury Lane itself. This would result in a significant impact on the countryside and the openness of the Green Belt. In the absence of any Planning Statement or details of the proposed lighting, we cannot comment on any justification, or otherwise, for the need for the lighting or the harm that it may do to the Green Belt.
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