Railway Meadow, London Road, Spellbrook, Hertfordshire
Application No 3/20/0344/FUL
Erection of 18 new family dwellings (9 semi-detached/terraced; and 9 detached) and 46 parking spaces at Railway Meadow, London Road, Spellbrook, Hertfordshire.
CPRE object to the proposed intensification of development on this Green Belt site outside the settlement boundary of Spellbrook.
In 2016 the Council granted approval for seven dwellings on this site, forming a terrace along the A1184 frontage, which matches the rest of the development pattern from Spellbrook Lane northwards (3/16/2331/FUL). The remainder of the site was retained as open land containing landscape features and a pond.
The applicant argues that that approval effectively designated that whole site as a limited infill site and the present application seeks to maximise the development potential of the whole site. In our view, the development of the remainder of the site constitutes inappropriate development.
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