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Application No. 20/00176/FUL

Detached Dwelling and Garage, Plot 7 (Land At Church Road), Church Road, Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire HP4 1NZ

CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal for development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt. Regrettably the documentation included with this application is rudimentary and our comments are made without the ability to scrutinise the Applicant’s justification for proposing development on a sensitive site in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The application documents include a Design and Access Statement which is barely adequate and does not fully cover the access requirements. There is no Planning Statement and no
references anywhere to any of the many National and Local policies which relate to this site. In our view there is insufficient information provided to allow for a balanced determination although CPRE are not inviting further submissions for this site given the strong objections in principle to any residential development which is contrary to the approved development plan.