Our representations – Dacorum Local Plan to 2041
We’ve submitted our representations on the Regulation 19 Submission Local Plan.
The current new Local Plan was consulted on in 2017 (Issues and Options) and in two Regulation 18 consultations in 2021 and 2023. It is now at the Regulation 19 “Submission Plan” technical consultation stage. Responses must address whether the Plan is legally compliant and sound, i.e. positively prepared, justified, effective, and consistent with national policy.
We believe there are technical issues with the Plan and we have submitted our representations, available for download at right.
In summary, we believe the Local Plan is not sound for the following reasons:
- Inadequate consideration of Green Belt
- Inadequate consideration of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANG)
- Inappropriate allocation of Site Tr03 East of Tring
- Inadequate consideration of infrastructure
- Inadequate consideration of climate change amelioration and biodiversity enhancement
- Inappropriate site allocations: Hm11 Shendish Manor and Fairlands, and Hm13 Polehanger Lane
Dacorum Local Plan consultation Dec 2024 our representations
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