Old Station Yard, Millers View, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire
Application No. 3/19/1588/FUL
Erection of six dwellings and associated access road on land at Old Station Yard, Millers View, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal as inappropriate development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt. This application is a modification of Application 3/16/2321/FUL for eight dwellings which was refused by the Council and dismissed on appeal.
Much Hadham is a Group 1 village in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt and the proposed development site is located outside of the village boundary. Consequently its development would be contrary to policies GBR2 and VILL 1 in the recently adopted East Herts District Plan.
Despite the reduction in the number of units, the impact on the Rural Area Beyond The Green Belt would remain. The arguments made in the Design, Access and Planning Statement accompanying the application are essentially those which the applicant used in their appeal submission and which were rejected by the Inspector. (Appeal Ref App/J1915/W/17/1).
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