Land to the North Of Stevenage
Application No. 17/00862/OPM
Erection of 800 residential dwellings, creation of a new local centre, provision of a primary school, provision of landscaped communal amenity space including children’s
play space; creation of new public open space together with associated highways, landscaping, drainage and utilities works. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement on Land to the North Of Stevenage Stevenage Herts SG1 4DE.
Stevenage Council inadvertently neglected to advise us of the amendments to this application and we are grateful that you have agreed to accept this late response.
We objected strongly, at the Examination in Public of the new Local Plan, to the removal of this site from the Green Belt and will not repeat those arguments here, except to say that we consider the decision to do so a retrograde step which will cause irreparable damage to the social, cultural and historic importance of ‘Forster Country’.
In our objection letter to the original version of this application, we expressed concern at the prematurity of the application, sustainability issues, the transport assessment and the loss of best and most versatile land.
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