Land to south of Kettle Green Lane, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire SG10 6AN
Application No. 3/20/1557/OUT
Proposed outdoor meditation and yoga retreat with all matters reserved on land To South Of Kettle Green Lane, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire SG10 6AN.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal as inappropriate development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt.
This application is for development of what appears to be a plot-land site on agricultural land outside of the settlement boundary of Much Hadham.
The applicant believes that as this proposal is for ‘outdoor recreation’ it is compatible with East Herts District Plan Policy GBR2, which allows such uses in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt, “ provided that they are compatible with the character and appearance of the rural area.” The purpose of Policy GBR2 is to maintain the openness and character of the countryside beyond the Green Belt. That countryside is recognised in the Local Plan as being “ a considerable and significant countryside resource, which Policy GBR2 seeks to maintain by concentrating development within existing settlements.”
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