Land South of Heath Lane, Codicote, Hertfordshire, SG4 8YL
Application No. 18/02722/FP
Residential development of 167 dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated works including formal open space, internal road network, landscape enhancement and creation of
accesses from Heath Lane and St. Albans Road and the demolition of 66 St Albans Road on Land South of Heath Lane, Codicote, Hertfordshire, SG4 8YL.
CPRE Hertfordshire oppose this proposal for inappropriate residential development in the Green Belt contrary to the Green Belt policies in the National Planning Policy Framework
and the current North Hertfordshire Local Plan.
We recognise that this site has been allocated for residential development in the Submission Local Plan currently under Examination in Public (site allocation CD5). However, while it can be accorded appropriate weight, that Plan has not yet been adopted and it is unlikely that the Inspector will publish his findings until the second quarter of 2019.
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