Land South of A507, West of A10, Buntingford
Application no. 3/24/1255/OUT
Outline planning application for development of employment land (flexible use B2, B8, E(c) and E(g)), informal open space, associated works and infrastructure including a new access.
The present proposal is a large-scale speculative commercial and industrial development of over 27,000 square metres on over thirteen hectares, which is clearly outside the scope of the exceptions which may be permitted under East Herts District Local Plan Policy GBR2 which applies to land in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt. The site is Best and Most Versatile agricultural land, and is not allocated for development of any kind in the Local Plan or the Neighbourhood Plan. We urge the Council to refuse this damaging and unnecessary proposed development.
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Land S of A507, W of A10, Buntingford
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