Land r/o 261 Lower Luton Road, Wheathampstead AL4 8HW
Application No. 5/2020/0478
Construction of five dwellings (resubmission following refusal of 5/2018/2775 dismissed on
appeal dated 11/07/2019)
On Land r/o 261 Lower Luton Road, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire AL4 8HW
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this re-submitted application for stage one of a PIP (Permission
in Principle) for residential development on a Green Belt site which will have significant
impact on the openness of the Green Belt and which has been dismissed on appeal. It should
also be noted that Application 5/2019/0975 for one house and Application 5/2002/1190 for
four houses were similarly dismissed on appeal.
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