Land off London Road and Owles Lane, Buntingford
Application no. 3/23/1390/FUL
Demolition of no. 16 London Road and alterations to no. 18, with erection of 68 dwellings and associated parking, landscaping, refuse and ancillary works
The land proposed for development is designated as Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt (RABGB) in the adopted East Herts District Plan 2018. The present proposal is a substantial speculative development outside the scope of the limited types of development which may be permitted in the RABGB. The proposal is contrary to both the Buntingford Community Area Neighbourhood Plan and the East Herts District Plan.
Buntingford has been subject to a very significant quantum of development in recent years which has undoubtedly changed the character of this historic market town and the surrounding rural area, putting massive pressure on local infrastructure and amenities. Further development is unsustainable, unnecessary and inappropriate. We urge the Council to refuse permission for this application.
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Land off London Road and Owles Lane, Buntingford
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