Land East Of Little Bushey Lane
Application no. 22/1071/OUT
The site is located in the London Metropolitan Green Belt as defined in the Hertsmere Core Strategy 2013 and Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan 2016, where development is inappropriate unless very special circumstances are demonstrated, as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
In our view, the proposed development is a clear encroachment into open countryside, affecting its openness and leading to a reduction in open land between settlements in the immediate area. We challenge strongly the assertions in the Planning Statement that the proposed site does not fulfil the NPPF purposes for the Green Belt.
The very considerable and growing local community response, together with the potential damage to highly valued protected open countryside, indicates the need to review site allocations in the Local Plan and halt the determination of speculative applications such as this one.
Download our full submittal at right.
UPDATE 24 July 2023: We are pleased that the Planning Inspector has dismissed the developer’s appeal and refused permission for this application. Read the Appeal Decision here.
Land east of Little Bushey Lane
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