Land at St Luke’s School, Crouch Hall Lane, Redbourn
Application No. 5/2019/2422
Conversion of hardstanding to all weather MUGA pitch and installation of associated floodlighting on Land at St Luke’s School, Crouch Hall Lane, Redbourn, Hertfordshire AL3 7ET
While we have no objection in principle to the provision of a MUGA on the school site, CPRE Hertfordshire have concerns regarding this proposal which will impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
As shown on Proposals Map 1 of the current St. Albans Local Plan, St Luke’s school lies entirely within the Green Belt. (This is unamended in the emerging Local Plan 2020-2036.)
Paragraph 145(b) of the National Planning Policy Framework permits the provision of appropriate facilities for outdoor sport or recreation provide that the facilities preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it.
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