Land at Old Station Yard, Millers View, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire
Application No. 3/20/0269/FUL
Erection of 4 two bedroomed affordable dwellings, 2 three bedroomed dwellings and 2 four bedroomed dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping on land at Old Station Yard, Millers View, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this proposal as inappropriate development in the Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt.
This application is the latest iteration of a succession of applications for development on this site, which have been refused by the Council, rejected on appeal or else withdrawn by the applicant. While the number of units has fluctuated, this application reverts to eight units, originally proposed in application 3/16/2321/FUL, which was dismissed on appeal.
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