Land at Fairshot Court, Woodcock Hill, Sandridge, Hertfordshire
Application No. 5/2019/0981
Construction of two, five bedroom, one, three bedroom and one two bedroom dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and engineering works on Land at Fairshot Court, Woodcock Hill, Sandridge, Hertfordshire.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this application for inappropriate residential development which will impact on the openness of the Green Belt contrary to the Green Belt policies in the current and emerging St Albans Local Plans, and the National Planning Policy Framework. We concur with the views expressed by the Applicant regarding the weight which can currently be placed on the existing and emerging Local Plans, but that does not negate the principles embodied in them.
Under both the National Planning Policy Framework and the Green Belt policies in the current St Albans Local Plan, the applicant is required to demonstrate very special
circumstances sufficient to outweigh the harm to the openness of the Green Belt. No very special circumstances are presented.
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