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Land adjacent to Twyford Orchard, Pig Lane, Bishops Stortford, Herts

Application No 3/20/1794/OUT

Outline planning application for: Construction of 2 green energy efficient bungalows with garages, and demolition of existing workshop – all matters reserved.
Land Adjacent To Twyford Orchard, Pig Lane, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7PA

CPRE have concerns regarding this application for residential development in the Green Belt.

In para. 4.14 of the Supporting Statement, it is stated that “the applicant can confidently argue that the harm caused to the Green Belt by this development would be negligible.” On the basis of the limited information provided to support the application we do not see how that assertion can be made. In the absence of any, even notional, drawing showing what is proposed, it is difficult to determine the full impact of the proposed development on the Green Belt.

The argument presented is that the proposal complies with paragraph 145 of the National Planning Policy Framework as it is the replacement of an existing building in domestic use (145d) and limited infilling or partial development of previously developed land (145g).

However para.145d has the proviso that the replacement building should not be materially larger than the one it replaces and para.145g that the development should not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development. Given this, the pursuit of an outline application seems ill advised as the submitted information is inadequate to conclude that the proposal constitutes appropriate development in the Green Belt, a fundamental question for the local planning authority to consider.