Land adjacent to The Cats Whiskers, 1 Oaklands Lane, Smallford, St. Albans
Application No. 5/2020/0613
Outline application (access, landscaping, layout and scale sought) for three detached three
bedroom self-build/custom-build dwellings following demolition of existing buildings
On Land adjacent to The Cats Whiskers, 1 Oaklands Lane, Smallford, St. Albans, Hertfordshire
This is the sixth application for residential development on this Green Belt site, the previous
five having either been withdrawn or refused by the Council. (Applications nos. 5/2006/1911;
5/2018/0099; 5/2018/1369; 5/2018/2673 and 5/2019/1015). Having failed to secure permission for market housing, the applicant now has recourse to the Self-build/Custom-build
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