Land Adjacent To Flacks Flower Fields, East End Green, Hertford, SG14 2PD
Application No 3/20/2116/ARPN
Change of use of 2 agricultural building to C3 (residential) to create 2 dwellings on land adjacent To Flacks Flower Fields, East End Green, Hertford, Hertfordshire SG14 2PD.
CPRE Hertfordshire have concerns regarding this proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to residential in the Green Belt.
This is a resubmission of application 3/19/1791/ARPN, which the Council refused, with additional information intended to demonstrate that the buildings have been in agricultural use since 1995. Consequently the applicant now considers that the proposal complies with Part Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.
However concerns remain:
Approval was given in 1995 (App. 3/95/1305) for two buildings for private equine use, which is not an agricultural use. That application was implemented to the extent that the external walls of the structures were built, but no further. No roofs were raised nor external finishings or internal partitions implemented. The structures, therefore, bear no relation to the ‘existing’ elevations in the current application. According to the documentation, since 1995 the structures have been used for lambing etc., essentially sheep-pens or byres. That is not the use for which permission was originally granted.
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