Land Adj Datchworth Village Hall/Scout Hut, 52 Datchworth Green, SG3 6TL
Application No 3/20/1252/FUL
Use of land as car park (64) spaces for village sporting and community events and provision of surfacing Land Adj Datchworth Village Hall And Scout Hut, 52 Datchworth Green, Datchworth, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG3 6TL.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this latest proposal for car park development in the Green Belt, following refusal of application 3/19/0843/FUL for 70 spaces.
This application slightly reduces the number of spaces and revises the surfacing material to make it less intrusive, but the principles remain the same and the very special circumstances put forward to outweigh harm to the openness of the Green Belt are identical to those previously presented and considered in the planning balance before refusal.
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